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Sydney is seeing now more than ever a trend arising to move away from the city centre and even the Greater Sydney region, residents are choosing to opt for a quieter more affordable lifestyle in regional centres. Sydney’s population grew by 1.8 per cent while for the rest of the state it was up 1 per cent to reach 2.8 million. In the regions, the fastest growing included Byron Shire on the North Coast, Albury on the NSW-Victorian border and Cessnock in the Hunter Valley which has recently been names one of Australia’s top destinations.

“We know that there’s a lot of pressure on our cities and we are going to continue to ensure that there is a positive migration program to Australia, but we’re going to ensure that the benefits of that are spread more broadly across the country,” he said. This in turn will increase the demand for regional infrastructure and housing, many families will find themselves looking for property in NSW’s Greater Hunter Region, Newcastle, central and northern coast and further south.

This is a great time to invest in building a brand new home in a region outside of Sydney and secure a great tenant to help offset the mortgage costs and increase your retirement balance.

Contact us today to get the conversation started.