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More Australians than ever before are reliant on the age pension, 42% of the population in fact, to fund their retirement and maintain the lifestyle they have become accustomed to during their working life. Contributing extra to superannuation funds is only one way that you can secure your retirement, and unless this is in a good performing fund, your money may not receive its true value. To be without the aged pension Australian’s would need to contribute 18% of their wage over their entire working life, per annum, a significant increase from the compulsory 9.5% that we are currently contributing.

Investing in property is a great way to add another asset to your portfolio and increase your retirement fund. By investing in property today you may be able to see the immediate advantages, increased income from rental yields and a way to offset some of your income tax, and when it comes to retiring you have a great asset ready to be sold, moved into, or passed onto the next generation to boost their position.

Establishing a significant plan now before it is too close to retirement will have an impact on the way in which you are able to spend the rest of your life and how comfortable you and your family will be in your retirement.

When you are ready to open the conversation about investing in property one of our friendly consultants will be there to answer any questions you may have and provide property solutions for you. For more information on the steps you can take to ensure your retirement will be well looked after financially read our white paper here: